
Shooting across the land
Like a comet
Leaving a trail of bewildered
Behind you
Wondering where you came from
Where did you go
Why do you have to leave so fast
Loving everybody so much
Needing love from everybody
Even those everyone else is afraid of

One ear flopped over
Just the right way
You know how to charm anyone don't you
With that funny face
Do you know how much I care?
Sometimes when you're turned the other way
Running from person to person for attention
I don't think so
Am I not enough?
Is any one person enough
The more you give
The more you receive
Or is it the other way
Should I love you less?
Would it matter?
Probably not
Think you were born this way
Or made by those that had you before me
Just like I was affected by those before you
But I was different then
Souls can learn and grow
You changed my world when you burst in
Did I change yours?
Other than giving you food and shelter
If it wasn't me giving them to you
It would be someone else
But they wouldn't love you with my heart

Always moving on
Too many places to see
Too much life to live still
Can't sit still
If I run the other way will you follow me then?
Miss me then?
The more I run to catch up to you
The faster you run
Is this a game?
Then what are the rules?

All I want is for you is to come back home
Where I know you'll be safe
But you will keep going down the street into
The highway
Life in the fast lane
It's not all it's cracked up to be
How can I hold you back,
When all I want for you is to have all you wish for
I don't want you to be scared
Your love of life and
Lack of fear
Is so precious
So wonderful
Never lose that
Venture into that great unknown
Not grow up afraid to do anything
Like me
Listen to the world around
Hear it
Speak deeper it's many tongues
Make friends with the natives
Never forget your home
Live Love Learn
But always remember
No matter where you are
Know that I love you so crazy Rocket

by michelle zeman