have to give the audience the opportunity to know this person merely
by his behavior.
I don't say a thing. And that's a real challenge. There's no chance
to say what you feel.
Or to have an exchange with another person where his feeling are revealed.

So everything about Uncle Ernie has to be made clear in his behavior.
has to be played as a very real character because if you make
him grotesque, the drama just doesn't work. He's a man on the
outside of everything- and that's how he functions, even in
the blocking of the show.
He travels around the edge of most things that happen, and has
no place to get in. He's not in the army because he's physically
impaired by a limp, so he can't take part in a major part of
the lives of young men at the time.
In direct contrast to Ernie, his brother Captain Walker, is
a handsome and successful flyer who not only plays a role in
the war but has a beautiful wife and can start a family and
be loved. He has everything that Ernie lacks, yet Ernie unselfishly
adores him.
The moment when the telegram comes to say that Captain Walker
is missing is such a powerful moment because Ernie loves his
brother just as much as Mrs Walker loves her husband. In my
mind, these are the two people who love this one person desparately,
and Ernie now feels it's his job to protect his brother's family.
But the thing that makes Ernie most interesting to play is that he
is basically a good guy who does a very bad thing, and that's what
makes it so affecting. It's also what brings his behavior so close
to reality, because a lot of people who do this type of thing are
otherwise quite nice people. I take his behavior as a distillation
of all those temptations that we all have-to do something that we
know is not only wrong, but that will be hurtful to people or a betrayal
of them.
all come up against an enormous tempatation at some time in
our lives- a powerful force that drives us towards doing something
that we now will be incredibly destructive. And, for just a
moment, we feel the pull to do that thing, the lure to do something
very terrible, to trespass on a treasured relationship in some
way, to cheat in a marriage or betray a close family relationship.
If we're honest with ourselves, we can
find something like this in our own lives.
That's what Ernie's behavior is about, and that's what Fiddle
About epitomizes. I hope the fact that we approach him in a
very human way makes him an accessible character-because if
the audience can understand him as a human, then he's truly
-Paul Kandel, Uncle Ernie
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