Scene 16: 22 Heathfield Gardens
(Oblivious to young Tommy in the mirror,
the Walkers sit at the table. Mrs Walker
shuffles a deck of cards)
Mrs Walker: (spoken to Mr Walker)
Like to play love?
(Mr. Walker silently fuming doesn't respond)
Suit yourself.
I Believe My Own Eyes
Mr Walker:
This can't continue
It makes no sense
We're getting nowhere.
I've lost all my confidence.
The boy wants something.
I'm satisfied;
He needs attention
And care our love can't provide
And then, there's the matter of us
(Mr. Walker takes his wife's hands and holds
them with tender intensity.)
I'd like to prove
That I don't think that you've
Seen the best of me.
I've stood up for the boy
And I've clung to the hopes and the lies.
I wish that the pain
In your gaze could again
be a test of me.
But when I look in the mirror
I believe my own eyes.
(Mr. Walker crosses to Tommy,
still staring into the mirror)
I believe my own eyes
Know I've come to the end:
All my patience is gone.
When I'm doubtful, I tend
To believe my own eyes.
Mrs Walker:
I'd like to declare
This devotion and care
Is the life to live.
That nothing has changed
And that time isn't passing us by.
But I have to say here
That, for us, there's a clear-
cut alternative.
When we look at eachother
We believe our own eyes.
(Mr. Walker leads Tommy to the sofa and sits him down)
Mr. & Mrs Walker:
I believe my own eyes
Know I've come to the end:
All my patience is gone.
When I'm doubtful, I tend
To believe my own eyes.
This has gone far enough!
After all we've been through
We can't be blamed;
We've done all we can humanly do.
It's a time to be tough,
A time to be wise.
We must stop chasing false dreams
And recover our lives.
I believe my own eyes
Know I've come to the end:
All my patience is gone.
When I'm doubtful, I tend
To believe
I'd like to believe
That I don't feel that we've
seen the best of us.
And the way to believe
is to see where the real future lies.
I hope that the pain
In your gaze can again
Be a test of us.
And when I look in the mirror
I believe my own eyes.
Let's believe our own eyes.
Know that we've come to the end:
All our patience is gone.
Let's admit we intend
Mr. Walker (exiting)
To believe our own eyes.
Mrs. Walker:
To believe our own eyes.
(The image of Tommy as a four year old
appears in the mirror)
Four-year old Tommy:
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy.
(Tommy crosses to the mirror and stares. Furiously
Mrs. Walker wrenches him away from his reflection.)
Smash the Mirror
Mrs. Walker:
You don't answer my call
With even a nod or a wink
But you gave at your own reflection!
You don't seem to see me
But I think you can see yourself.
How can the mirror affect you?
Can you hear me
Or do I surmise
That you fear me?
Can you feel my temper
Rise, rise, rise, rise
Rise, rise, rise, rise
Rise, rise, rise, rise
Do you hear or fear me or
Do I smash the mirror?
Do you hear or fear me or
Do I smash the mirror?
(Mrs. Walker tries to pull Tommy away from
the mirror, but each time one of the younger
Tommys appears in the mirror, Tommy tries
to move toward the image of the child.)
Do you hear or fear me or
Do I smash the mirror?
(Mrs. Walker picks up a chair and threatens
to smash the mirror with it)
Mrs. Walker:
Do you hear or fear or
Do I smash the mirror?
(In the mirror, appears the image of the terrified 4 year-old Tommy on the night of the
killing long ago. Mrs. Walker furiously swings back the chair
Darkness. The crash of
breaking glass and the sound of a gunshot. In the background are projections of a
shattered house and the Lover falling dead. )
(The mirror has been completely smashed. Tommy looks around and sees everything in the
room. He stands in the spot where the lover was killed and kneels to touch the floor. He
looks at his mother and reaches out to touch her. She embraces him, but he does not return
it. she rushes off to get Mr. Walker.)
I'm Free
I'm free
I'm free
And freedom tastes of reality.
I'm free
I'm free
And freedom lies here in normality.
(Mrs Walker
returns with Mr. Walker
and they watch Tommy in utter amazement)
I could tell you what it takes
To feel the highest high.
You'd laugh and say "Nothing's that simple!"
But you've been down this path before
While I was waiting at the door.
This place is sacred as a temple.
(Uncle Ernie enters and Tommy's family
gather to watch him in amazement.)
I'm free
I'm free.
Right here I've found immortality!
(The minister knocks on the door and is
dragged in to witness Tommy's miraculous
change. Uncle Ernie takes Tommy's photograph.)
I'm free
I'm free.
And freedom tastes of reality!
(Mr. Walker opens his arms to embrace his son,
but Tommy sharply pushes him away. Tommy
opens the front door and walks him away.
Tommy opens the front door and walks down
the street, looking at all that surrounds him.)