1960: In the arcade, against a backdrop of brillantly colored pinball images, Tommy is
playing at a pinball machine, surrounded
by the youths. Tommy at 20, is a neighborhood celebrity and the adored official mascot of
this particular local gang. His playing builds
to a fever pitch; a buzzer sounds as he
beats the machine.
The lads scream in victory
Local Lads:
.and carry Tommy over their heads down
the street, with Cousin Kevin leading the way.
Local Lads:
Oy! Oy! Oy! Oy! Oy! Oy!
Scene 13: The Sunlight Laundrette
(The local lads carry the inert Tommy into the
Sunlight Laundrette, where Mrs. Walker. Quietly
folding her laundry, watches their loutish but lively
behavior with some sadness. They deposit Tommy
on a chair and depart.)
It's Boy(reprise)
Mrs. Walker:
Hmm, Hmm, hmm
It's a boy, Mrs. Walker, it's a boy.
It's a boy, Mrs. Walker
(She crosses to Tommy and gently wipes something
from his face with a tea towel. Mr. Walker rushes in,
bursting with news.)
There's a Doctor
Mr. Walker
There's a man I found
Could bring us all joy!
There's a doctor I found can cure the boy!
A doctor I found can cure the boy!
Mrs. Walker (cynically)
A doctor you found can cure the boy!
Mr. Walker:
There's a man I found can remove his sorrow.
He lives in town. Let's see him tomorrow.
Mr. & Mrs. Walker:
Let's see him tomorrow!
(The Walkers lead Tommy out of the laundrette
and into a very modern looking laboratory.)