Another Journey - October 8-9
On the Road to Denver, Colorado
THURSDAY 8 October

I sleep through my alarm for the first time, but it does mean I get a full night's sleep
for the first time in weeks. Another breakfast at a Village Inn--step up from Denny's.

A beautiful day for driving, which is good since we'll be driving well into the night. The
left foot pain is back and several new right hand strumming wounds from last night.
Playing with Bob is a contact sport. Just ask Matt.

Nebraska is a long state to drive across. Colorado for miles. The stench of cows awaiting
slaughter is enough to make you an immediate vegetarian. Bug splats on the windshield, too
much junk food today, testing the speedometer max--solid at 100mph.
Days Inn (will Randy never learn?) outside of Denver.We thought Columbus was bad. It was
funny bad, this is fuckingscary. It's a greencard-free zone, and seems to be a hub of
criminal activity. Plus check-in was a hassle. Super 8 rules, Death to Days Inn!
Jim leads us through a convoluted tour of Denver looking for a decent meal. We actually
have salmon and steamed vegetables! Nothing fried or covered in cheese. My system will be
shocked. Bob treats, we three courteously accept.
More getting lost with Jim (we begin to doubt he's ever been here) then end up shooting
poolin a brew pub where Bob reveals some real pool chops and we all do OK. I manage to
salvage my pride (after forgetting we were solid and nearly sinking a stripe) by sinking
the last ball and the eight ball.
Denver--Crack boy and elephant girl,ghetto home companion with Garison Kilo gettin diggy
wid it, Nodo (north of downtown) lofts ok kind of Dallas Deep Ellum without the charm.
Wish we were in Boulder.
We were told the venue had been changed, but the local Voice-type paper still lists us at
the Ogden--with three different dates, two of which are wrong. This may be our shortest
set yet. Inept promoter
Home to the motel where we're pleased and surprised to find our belongings still safe in
our rooms. Matt and I rooming together tonight. We'll take turns standing guard.
The Bluebird
FRIDAY 9 October

Frustrating day from beginning to end. Matt and I go into town for lunch, look into
flights from Seattle and the Euro leg.
Back to the motel to get Bob who is stuck on the phone for the rest of the afternoon. Too
much hassle to get back for just a few hours. We lay around crudville Days Inn and sleep
and watch the news about college kids being tortured and bludgeoned in Wyoming by Colorado
youths. Sweet folk here. The Clooney (george) haircut seems regulation downtown. The
bi-level is big near scary strip where our hotel is.
Finally get to the venue -- been waiting all day. After all the crap the last days, the
venue is superb. One of the nicest places we've played, great sightlines, excellent sound
and the absolute friendliest, nicest most fun staff we've encountered.
Disappointing Thai food across the street, but back to the Bluebird and watching
Varnaline's whole set. They're so great and they're really having a good one tonight. The
place is already full and they really like Varnaline.
Another total low-expectation evening that turns out to be among our best nights. The
crowd is so into being here and letting us know it. Jim is rocking out--his Mom, brother
and sister are all here. All of our fears about oxygen deprivation prove unfounded and we
rock full out. One of the cooler onstage temperatures. Good Eternally Fried, great Man on
the Moon. We're having so much fun we even add an extra encore of Disappointed. A truly
fun night.
Wish so much we weren't driving tonight, but Bob and Matt are intent on going. I'd much
prefer to hang with the staff, get a real sleep, then drive through the Rockies in the
daylight so we could see something, but I'm outvoted. Democracy...........

Total Taco Bell turns out to be partial.
Being snickered at in Denny's--everyone looks like those cretins who tortured the college
student--creepy colorado.
5am Glenwood Springs immediate sleep, 6 hours worth.