Hedwig - Sweet Relief 12/7/99

Luna Park
665 North Robertson Blvd. West Hollywood
December 7th,1999

Michael performed a 3 song set with Aaron Embry & Ted Liscinski at the 3rd annual Sweet Relief Holiday Moon Party at Luna Park 7PM to 11:30

also appearing:
Victoria Williams, Moon Unit Zappa, Joe Henry, possibly Michelle Shocked Frank Black, , Stan Ridgeway and Maria McKee
to benefit the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund.

Sweet Relief provides financial assistance to musicians of all kinds for medical expenses, alternative therapies, treatment for alcohol or chemical dependency prescriptions, and living expenses if the artist is unable to work. Sweet Relief also has a new financial assistance program
especially for retired or semi-retired older musicians, which helps pay living expenses

For more information visit www.sweetrelief.org

photos by Janet Strauss

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